Could A Truck Accident Lawyer Help You With Compensation?


Car accidents are not uncommon in Long Island, and motorists can expect to at least witness one in some form during their lives. Truck accidents are rarer but more frightening. Far too many people lose their lives in truck accidents each year because of the dangers involved. Those who are lucky enough to survive are left with significant injuries and trauma. That’s where a truck accident lawyer in Long Island can help. You could gain compensation.

Statistics from the National Safety Council for 2022 state that 6% of all vehicles involved in fatal crashes were trucks. That might not sound like a lot, but those accidents were devastating. The Department of Transportation says that 4,764 people died in large truck crashes in 2022.17% of those were the driver and/or occupant of the truck, 66% were in other vehicles, and the rest were cyclists, motorcyclists, or pedestrians. Clearly, truck accidents are highly dangerous and ruin lives. So, what causes these accidents, and can you make a claim via a Long Island truck injury lawyer if you’re the victim of one?

Different Types Of Truck Accidents

There are many reasons people seek a truck accident lawyer based in Long Island. These truck accidents can come in many forms and it’s possible that Long Island drivers could end up involved through no fault of their own. Understandably, many of these cases will come from collisions between vehicles. Truck drivers will crash into other vehicles on highways or make a bad turn. They might accidentally get too close and then cause serious damage. This explains the high percentage of people dying in other cars. However, there are also those cyclists and pedestrians who are in the wrong place at the wrong time. A truck that rolls or misjudges a maneuver could cause structural damage to property and infrastructure, with catastrophic results.

There is also the risk of lost loads. It isn’t just the truck that’s dangerous here. Trucks towing cargo and containers deal with large quantities of heavy goods and sometimes dangerous materials. If they aren’t secured properly and come loose on the right, they can strike cars, people, and property. They could also be a fire or environmental risk.

Often, these accidents are the fault of the truck driver. Something they did caused the vehicle to crash into the car, person, or building in question. This could be due to poor driving techniques, such as failure to use signals, improper lane changes, not checking blind spots, and failing to keep a safe distance from other vehicles. Distracted drivers are also a big problem. Those who lose concentration due to visual distractions or lack of sleep could miss a hazard. Then, some text and drive. With that said, there are also plenty of times when the driver isn’t at fault. Issues with poorly secured cargo or truck malfunctions may be down to the company instead. Rollovers and tire blowouts could have more to do with environmental conditions.

Can You Make A Claim For A Truck Accident That Wasn’t Your Fault?

Victims and survivors of truck accidents can make a compensation claim. The circumstances can vary depending on the victim and the person at fault. Drivers and passengers in the other vehicle during a truck accident can easily make a claim if it’s clear the fault lies with the truck driver. This could be a personal injury suit for those who survive with severe injuries or mental trauma. It could also take the form of a wrongful death suit if one person made it out alive and the other didn’t. Considering the number of fatalities in truck accidents, this isn’t uncommon.

Yet, there’s also the potential for truck drivers to make a claim if the accident wasn’t their fault. Drivers who crash or roll a truck due to negligence must take accountability. However, those who suffer due to poor truck maintenance or some sort of company policy may have a claim. For example, is driver fatigue the driver’s fault if they’re made to drive long hours without breaks? Is a lost load their fault if it wasn’t loaded properly when they left?

Whatever the situation, truck accident victims can work with personal injury lawyers to look at compensation for economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages refer to any financial loss due to the accident. For example, those injured can claim for medical expenses, and suspended drivers may claim for a loss of earnings. With non-economic damages, it’s more about mental trauma and “pain and suffering”. Truck drivers wrongly accused of causing a fatal accident may be living under a dark cloud of anger and humiliation. Victims struggling to adapt to injuries and new circumstances may deal with severe anxiety and depression. Either may also be so bad that it harms their relationships with partners, children, or close friends.

The complexity of these cases shows why it is too important to follow procedures before making a claim. This means filing police reports and cooperating with their requests at all times, as well as dealing with insurance companies. Victims of truck accidents also need to be sure that they have every piece of evidence possible to back up their claims. With economic damages, this means invoices for medical bills, repairs to vehicles, and proof of a loss of income. With non-economical claims, this could be testimony from loved ones and medics dealing with the psychological effects.

Gaining Compensation After A Truck Accident

Truck accidents can have devastating consequences for the victims injured in the incident and the drivers themselves. Truck drivers, car drivers, passengers, and pedestrians can all be left with physical and mental trauma as a result. Whether victims have to deal with the physical pain and financial hardship of medical bills or the mental anguish and guilt that comes from surviving, compensation is possible. Anyone who finds themselves in this situation or has a loved one struggling after a truck accident should get in touch with a Long Island truck accident lawyer to learn more.


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