6 Ideas About What To Do With Spare Space On A Farm


Farms are becoming increasingly popular as people look for ways to reconnect with nature and create sustainable lifestyles. But one of the challenges with having a farm is what to do with all the extra space. While some farmers may opt for larger fields of crops or animals, many other creative ideas can turn your spare land into a productive asset. 

Let’s look at the six ideas about what to do with spare space on a farm.

Create a Wildlife Habitat

Setting aside a section of land to be used as a habitat for local wildlife can provide food and shelter for birds, rabbits, squirrels, and other small animals. Planting native grasses, shrubs, trees, and flowers will attract these creatures while providing a healthy environment for them to live in and will also make your farm an oasis for birds and other animals.

Additionally, you can add birdhouses and feeders to your wildlife habitat to attract a larger variety of birds. These are extremely easy and cost-effective projects to make, so if you are looking for an inexpensive way to enhance the beauty of your land, this is a great option.

And, if you like bees and honey, consider making apiaries. This is a great way to attract local bees and other pollinators, so they can provide natural pollination services for your garden. Plus, it also provides you with the opportunity to harvest your honey!

Upgrade the Barn

Many times, a barn is one of the first things that come to mind when you think of a farm. If your barn is looking a bit rundown, take this opportunity to spruce it up and make it more functional.

Repurpose the structure into an outdoor living space with comfortable seating and decor, or turn it completely residential. You can learn more about “barndominiums”, where turning pole barns into homes is becoming increasingly popular. You can make this new property a guest house, or even rent it out for extra income.

On the other hand, you can also convert the space into a workshop or art studio, depending on your hobby. This gives you a place to be creative while still reaping the benefits of living on a farm.

Grow Fruits and Berries 

A great way to make use of spare land is by planting fruit and berry bushes. Many varieties grow well in different climates and soil types, so be sure to do your research before planting. Berries are relatively low maintenance and can provide a steady stream of income when they are ripe. Plus, they make great additions to jams, pies, juices, and other healthy goodies. 

Furthermore, if you want to get creative, you can incorporate trellises into your garden and grow unusual fruits like figs, pomegranates, and grapes.

Build a Pond

Adding a pond to your farm can be an excellent way to bring life and beauty to your land. Not only do ponds look great, but they attract frogs, dragonflies, snakes, and other wildlife that can help keep pests away from your crops or animals. You can also use the pond for relaxing and fishing, or to irrigate your crops.

Additionally, ponds can be designed in various ways, whether they be natural-looking or more structured. You can create a waterfall or fountain to add sound and relaxation or build islands for birds to rest on in the middle of your pond.

Construct an Outdoor Kitchen

If you love spending time outdoors, consider building an outdoor kitchen since this is a great way to make good use of the land while adding an entertaining feature to your property. Outdoor kitchens can be designed in many ways, depending on how much space you have available and the features you want.

You can always start small with a basic cooking area and expand later as your budget allows.

Create a Garden Maze

Finally, garden mazes have been around for centuries and are an excellent way to make use of extra space. This can be done with shrubs, trees, walls, or even plants like ornamental grasses that provide a unique aesthetic appeal. If you want to go all out, you can even install lighting in the maze for an extra dramatic effect.

This project is for those who like a challenge and are looking for something to add visual interest and fun to their farm. Plus, it can be used as a teaching tool for children or adults to learn about teamwork and problem-solving.

When it comes to what to do with spare space on a farm, there are plenty of options. From creating apiaries and upgrading the barn into a living space or workshop to growing fruits and berries or building a pond – you can get creative when making use of your land. You could also construct an outdoor kitchen for entertaining guests, or create a garden maze as an educational tool.

No matter which option you choose, make sure that whatever project you decide on fits your budget and needs while still leaving room for fun!


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