How to pack your garage for moving day


Moving can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to packing up your garage, which can be a catch-all for many different types of items, from garden tools and power tools to outdoor equipment and plants. However, with a bit of planning and organisation, you can successfully pack your garage for moving day.

With that in mind, let’s explore some tips and tricks on how to pack your garage for moving, covering garden tools, hand and power tools, outdoor equipment, and pots and planters.

Garden tools

Garden tools are essential for any homeowner who wants to maintain a beautiful lawn or garden. When packing garden tools for moving, it’s important to clean them first. This will prevent any dirt or debris from getting on other items in the moving truck. You can also tie together long-handled tools with twine or rope to make them easier to transport.

Another option is to use a garden tool organiser to keep your tools in one place. These organisers can be hung on the wall, and they come with slots or hooks for different types of garden tools. This not only makes packing easier, but it also makes unpacking and organising your new garage a breeze.

Hand and power tools

Hand and power tools are often the most valuable items in a garage, and they require special care when packing for a move. First, it’s important to gather all your tools in one place so you can assess what needs to be packed. Then, separate the hand tools from the power tools.

For hand tools, wrap them individually in bubble wrap or paper to protect them during transport. For your more valuable power tools, make sure they are clean and dry before packing them in their original cases or sturdy boxes. If you no longer have the original packaging, you can purchase toolboxes or cases that are specifically designed for power tools. Milwaukee toolboxes are famously sturdy and come highly recommended here.

Outdoor equipment

Outdoor equipment such as lawnmowers, leaf blowers, and weed trimmers are often bulky and heavy. When packing these items, it’s important to empty any fuel or oil and disconnect the batteries. This will prevent any spills or leaks during transport.

If you no longer have the original packaging for your outdoor equipment, you can use moving blankets or bubble wrap to protect them during transport. For larger items such as lawnmowers, consider using a hand truck or dolly to make them easier to move.

Pots and planters

Plants and pots can be delicate and require extra care when packing for a move. First, remove the plants from their pots and gently brush off any excess soil. Then, wrap the pots in bubble wrap or paper and place them in a sturdy box. Make sure to label the box as fragile to ensure it is handled with care during transport.

For the plants, it’s best to transport them in your car rather than the moving truck. This will allow you to monitor the temperature and humidity, which is important for the health of the plants. If you have large or heavy plants, consider hiring a professional moving company that specialises in plant transportation.


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