7 speed dial numbers to save


In an emergency who do you call? Call ghostbusters. Sorry to say but Kim Possible won’t be there to save you. With a speed dial you can save time and prioritise. What you need is a list of people and places you can have on your speed dial, and we have it below, in no order seven speed dial numbers to save. 



Your locksmith 

Your neighbour  

Emergency services  

Your GP  

Scam callers  

Pizza- don’t let anyone get between you and your slice 

You love food, we know you do. You are craving some Dominos. It melts inside your mouth and the bread is still warm. You know the delivery driver’s name, Jeff, he comes to your summer BBQs. He’s family now and was there when you graduated, he was there for your every birthday.  You have saved his number under ‘Jeff Pizza.’   

In all seriousness, why not have Pizza on your speed dial? A Dominos is ordered every three seconds in the UK, if you’re a lover of pizza why bother dialling long numbers?   

Family- what are they for anyway? For picking up the phone every time you call. 

Your family and relationship will likely be your emergency contacts, so it makes sense to have them on speed dial. In any emergency call to skip to speed dial, as it’s your family (or friends) who will be there for me at any given moment. Make sure to have more than one friend or family member in case they don’t pick up (or if they’re not much of a caller.) 

Your locksmith- he might just be your new best friend. 

One careless moment and you are locked out. Why, oh why, did you do it? Why did you not remember to leave a key in a secure place?   

But then you remember, Gordon Green, your local locksmith, is your emergency contact. You only put him there as a laugh as you’ve been locked out 37 times in the past two years. He is known as one of the city’s best emergency locksmiths.  

If you’re prone to locking yourself out, then it is advisable to have a locksmith on your speed dial (any old locksmith will do.)  

Your neighbour- forget leaving them your keys, call them. 

We used to live in an age when your neighbours had your spare key and you had theirs. You reason that keys are kept close to friends and family but what about having your neighbour on your speed dial? If you’ve hurt yourself your neighbour can be there in a second, especially if it’s your retired neighbour.   

Emergency services, act now  

Calling emergency services can be anxiety-inducing, with every second counting in critical situations. Whether facing a medical emergency, a fire, or another urgent incident, using a speed dial ensures quick response times, the outcome of which can make a world of difference. 

Your GP, beat them to it  

When it comes to making appointments with your GP you are being made to compete with 2000 other patients at 8 am. You’re sleep-deprived. The receptionist keeps rudely dodging your calls. You keep forgetting to save their number and it takes too long to dial.   

Skip the queue and speed-dial them.   

Scam callers- they annoy you, you annoy them 

Time to get revenge. Save a few scam caller numbers and speed dial them. Scam callers tend to be more than just a nuisance, they prey on the naive, so do your public duty and annoy a scam caller.  

Final thoughts  

Speed dial is a useful phone function to save time and leave you ready to respond to an emergency. In many cases having a well-thought-out list of speed dial numbers can be a lifesaver. Whether it’s the joy of ordering pizza in seconds, the relief of contacting a locksmith when you’ve been locked out, or the reassurance of reaching family and emergency services quickly, speed dial prioritises convenience and safety. Don’t underestimate the importance of having your GP and a trusted neighbour just a button away. And while pranking scam callers might be humorous, it’s important to remember the benefits of speed dial. So, take a moment to set up your speed dial thoughtfully—you never know when it might come in handy.  


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