Can CBD Topicals Be Better Than Other CBD Products for dogs?


These days, CBD is everywhere. You can find it in pet stores, health food, and gas stations. The question is: should you use it? People use many different forms of CBD, including edibles and sprays. Some people prefer topicals because they don’t have a psychoactive effect like other forms do—and they’re also more convenient to carry around with you! There are various products like CBD dog treats, biscuits, oil, and topicals on the market. There are some great reasons why topicals might be better than other products for dogs.

Can CBD topicals be better than other products?

Yes, they can, and here’s why:

  • Both dogs and humans have a lot of skin. That means that when you put something on your skin, it will absorb quickly into your body. Eating or inhaling something takes longer for the substance to be absorbed into your system. That’s why we wouldn’t want to eat our medicine; we’d instead apply it directly to our skin so that it gets into our bodies faster!
  • Dogs don’t need to wait for their medicine to reach their bloodstream to feel better – they start feeling better immediately after applying their topical. This is because the body absorbs topicals through the skin much faster than other substances, such as capsules or pills, would be absorbed through digestion (if you’ve ever eaten poorly-cooked chicken before, then perhaps this example is familiar).

Different CBD products for dogs

You might have heard about CBD oil for pets. But what are the different types of products for dogs?

CBD oils are often made with different carrier oils like MCT oil (medium chain triglycerides), hemp seed oil, and coconut oil. The concentrations of active CBD in these products range from 250-1500mg per bottle.

As the name suggests, CBD blends combine more than just pure cannabidiol with other plant extracts that can help promote the overall routine and well-being of your dog. Some examples include full spectrum hemp extract, which includes not only cannabinoids but also terpenes and other compounds found in cannabis plants that contribute to its therapeutic value; or krill oil that is rich in omega 3 fatty acids which are beneficial for many reasons. These blends usually contain less than 1000mg of active cannabidiol per bottle.

CBD pet treats can come in various shapes and sizes depending on their manufacturer but generally contain minimal amounts of cannabidiol (less than 10mg). They’re typically designed specifically for dogs because they don’t need as much THC as humans, so there’s no risk of getting high off them!

One of the most important things to consider when choosing a CBD product for your dog is safe. Unlike human-grade CBD, which third-party laboratories rigorously test to ensure that it meets specific standards, pet products aren’t subject to the same scrutiny. This means that you should always ensure that any product you’re considering buying has been reviewed by other consumers and has received positive feedback before purchasing it yourself.

How do you apply CBD topicals on dogs?

The topicals are applied directly to the skin. You can rub them into your dog’s paws, ears, neck, and chest.

CBD topicals should not be applied to broken skin or areas the dog cannot reach. These areas include between their toes and under their tail (unless you want them to lick it off).

If you want to apply CBD topicals directly to an area of concern for your dog (such as an arthritic joint), it is recommended that you place a small amount of coconut oil or other carrier oil, such as olive oil, on your finger first before applying the CBD product to help avoid irritation from direct contact with cannabinoids.

Depending on your needs, topical CBD products may be better than other CBD products.

While it’s true that you can use any CBD product to help alleviate the symptoms of many ailments, there are some advantages to the topical method. One advantage is the ease with which it can be applied—all you need is a few drops or a small amount of cream, and you’re good to go. Another is that because it goes directly to where your dog’s skin has been affected, its efficacy is more specific than an oral supplement or oil might be.

Topical products also tend to be easier for dogs who have sensitive skin or have never taken any form of supplement before; they won’t have adverse reactions because they’re already being absorbed into their bloodstream through their mucous membranes rather than having direct contact with their bellies (which could upset them). This also makes them ideal candidates for those who want only one solution instead of multiple ones that require taking pills every day or mixing oils before administering them orally: rub whatever substance onto their fur once daily! And finally—though perhaps less critical—topical methods don’t require refrigeration as some other forms do; this means less hassle keeping track when storing unused portions after each usage, so nothing spoils before next time!

Where to buy CBD topicals for Dogs?

CBD topicals are available online and in pet stores. Many pet owners have started using CBD topicals for their dogs to give them a better lifestyle and routine. These topicals come in different forms, including balms, salves, and lotions. 

These topical products are often preferred over other methods of administering CBD because they absorb directly into the skin delivering quick effects while also helping stimulate circulation throughout the body, which may also help in increased flexibility at rest or even better mobility during activity!


There are many benefits to using CBD topicals on your dog. These products are easy to use and can help with various issues. They also work well for dogs who don’t respond well to traditional medications or supplements. However, they aren’t perfect—you should still be careful when choosing a product that contains THC since these products can be dangerous for your pet if ingested in large amounts.


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