Otherworld: An Adventure Into VR


Otherworld is a luxury virtual resort said to be the world’s most immersive VR experience ever! The VR experience will transport you out of Birmingham and into the wonderful Otherworld filled with natural beauty and an escape from reality.

Our Otherworld Journey

When walking into Otherworld you are greeted and checked in by a member of staff. If you have not travelled with them before you are required to download their app so you can sign in and track your VR activities. The staff’s uniform matches Otherworld’s futuristic approach with an all-white robe outfit that really transports you into the experience. Shortly after checking in, you are given a full crash course on how to use all the VR kit including the headset, headphones, mic, and dual controllers. This gives you a chance to ask any questions about VR and get used to the equipment you will be using.

Otherworld App

The app allows you to earn “Dreamcoin” this is Otherworlds version of money which can be spent at their bar after your experience. Dreamcoin is collected by winning games in the VR, this all builds up and at the end gives you discounts on drinks and helps you climb their leaderboard. However, if you lose the games then you also lose Dreamcoin so don’t let the pressure get the better of you.

The Venue

Otherworld has an ultra-modern look unlike any other location in the Midlands. The seats, walls, and floor are white giving it a sleek, innovative, yet strange feel that gears you up ready for your plunge into the VR world. On the walls are projections of unusual shapes that change colour, which really immerse you into their experience.

Starting The VR Experience

The VR journey starts by walking downstairs into your dedicated pod. The pods are equipped with your own state of the art headset, mic, headphones, and controllers which allow you to experience affects such as wind, heat, and rumble. Everyone is placed into their own pod however, you can meet up with, see, and talk to your friends that you bought along with you through the power of VR.

When you are fully kitted up the pod will close, and a short tutorial will begin to ensure you know all the controls. Then the world is yours, pick whichever game you like. From shooting zombies, cooking up dishes, and travelling in kayaks there’s a game for everyone. There are 16 different games to immerse yourself into that are guaranteed to bring out your competitive spirit. The VR launches you into the future making the impossible possible, where there is no limit on the fun to be had.

Dreamcoin To Drinks

After your time in the Otherworld, you are welcome to redeem those hard-earned coins at their bar. Points can be redeemed by scanning the QR code on the app at the bar. There is a pour your own policy allowing you to grab whatever you like without having to wait in lines or talk to bartenders. From soft drinks, ciders, and cocktails a drink is a great way to debrief with friends on your VR journey.

What You Need To Know

Sessions last from 40 minutes to 1 hour 10 minutes being price dependent on number of travellers, time slot, and date chosen. From Sunday to Thursday, they are open 11 am to 11 pm with Friday being 11 am to 12 am and Saturday from 10 am to 12 am. Otherworld is great to do with friends, on dates, or for work dos as groups as large as 70 are welcome.

Don’t forget your boarding ticket, Otherworld is waiting!

20 Bennetts Hill, Birmingham B2 5QJ


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