Should I Sell Unwanted Costume Jewellery?


Costume jewellery is a popular choice for those looking to accessorise their outfits without breaking the bank. However, as fashion trends change and our personal tastes evolve, it’s not uncommon to find ourselves with a collection of unwanted costume jewellery. In this blog, we’ll discuss the factors to consider when deciding whether to sell your old costume jewellery and explore the potential benefits of doing so.

Reasons to Sell Your Old Costume Jewellery

There are several reasons why you might choose to sell your old costume jewellery. Some of the most common motivations include:


Over time, costume jewellery collections can grow to include a significant number of items. This can lead to overcrowded storage spaces and difficulty in finding the pieces you actually want to wear. Selling unwanted pieces can help you declutter your space, making it easier to organise and store your remaining accessories.

Updating Your Style

Fashion trends are constantly evolving, and your personal style may change over time as well. Selling outdated or unwanted costume jewellery can provide you with the opportunity to refresh your collection with new pieces that better reflect your current taste and preferences.

Generating Extra Income

While costume jewellery may not have the same value as fine jewellery, it can still be worth selling, particularly if you have a large collection of unwanted items. The proceeds from selling your costume jewellery can be used to fund new purchases, save for a future goal, or simply provide a little extra spending money.

Environmental Considerations

By selling your old costume jewellery, you’re giving it a new lease on life and potentially preventing it from ending up in a landfill. This is a more environmentally friendly option than simply throwing your unwanted items away.

Weighing the Pros and Cons

Before deciding to sell your old costume jewellery, it’s essential to weigh the potential benefits against the potential drawbacks. Consider the following factors when making your decision:


Costume jewellery generally has a lower value than fine jewellery, and some pieces may not be worth much on the resale market. However, if you have a large collection of unwanted items or pieces from well-known brands or designers, you may be able to generate a reasonable sum by selling them.

Time and Effort

Selling costume jewellery can require a significant amount of time and effort, particularly if you plan to sell items individually. Consider whether the potential return on your investment is worth the time and energy required to list, package, and ship your items.

Emotional Attachment

Some costume jewellery pieces may hold sentimental value or have been handed down through generations. It’s essential to consider any emotional attachment you have to the items before deciding to sell them. If you’re unsure about parting with a particular piece, it may be worth holding onto it for the time being.

Alternatives to Selling

If you’re hesitant to sell your old costume jewellery but still want to declutter, consider alternative solutions such as repurposing or upcycling your items. This can give your pieces a new purpose while allowing you to retain their sentimental value.

Deciding whether to sell your old costume jewellery is a personal choice that depends on your individual circumstances and priorities. By carefully considering the potential benefits and drawbacks, as well as any emotional attachment you may have to your items, you can make an informed decision that’s right for you.


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