5 Reasons Why Europe is the Best Continent in the World


Just about everyone on the planet, if prompted, might be able to provide a list of reasons that their particular homeland is better than anywhere else. For those who live in Europe, however, some of those reasons are pretty compelling. And, it would seem, the rest of the world pretty much agrees: up until the Russia-Ukraine war in 2022, net migration into the continent sat at a few hundred thousand every year.

So, what’s so great about Europe? There are a few things to ponder – and they’re relevant where you’re travelling to the continent as a tourist, too.

Everything is accessible

One of the best things about Europe is its size. You can easily cross the entire continent in just a day or so. A flight from France to Germany, for example, will take just ninety minutes. This is what makes European tours considerably more practical than a tour of, say, Asia. You’ll spend less time travelling, and more time enjoying the various destinations.


It’s fair to say that, while other continents have witnessed more than their fair share of history, few have been quite so pivotal as Europe. Settlers and conquerors from this part of the world came to dominate the globe just a few centuries ago, and so we can understand a great deal about how the world came to be shaped when we understand what went on here.


Some parts of the continent are extremely well-preserved, which will allow you to feel as though you’ve stepped into history. Others, meanwhile, are at the cutting edge of modern culture. The continent is changing rapidly, too – which means that there will be surprises around every corner. By the time you’ve finished touring, and explored the continent’s every nook and cranny, you might find that you need to start again and take in all of the new developments!


Gastronomy is pivotal to European culture. France, in particular, has played an outsized role in shaping the culinary arts over the years, and a visit to one of the many Michelin-starred restaurants in Paris is sure to be an unforgettable experience. At the other end of the spectrum, there are glorious, inexpensive bites to be had everywhere: from German brätwurst to French Jambon Beurre to Italian pizza, there’s a culinary institution around every corner.

The languages

Linguistically, Europe is a tremendously diverse continent. Germanic and romance languages tend to dominate, but there are little corners of the continent where other, less widely-spoken languages still endure. Europe has, over the years, produced some of the finest writers in the world, many of whom have had an inescapable influence on everyone else!


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