Pure Booch Is Now The UK’s First Fairtrade Kombucha Brand


Pure Booch a upcoming brand from Warwickshire has recently become the first Kombucha brand in the UK to achieve a Fairtrade Status. This event marks Kombucha history with it being the first in the entire country to achieve this high and well deserved status. Pure Booch has been and continues to be fully committed to producing only the highest standards of Kombucha while still abiding by all ethical standards and supporting Fairtrade practices. This company has worked hard to achieve what they have today and all this work has paid off to finally be the first to achieve a prestigious Fairtrade status.

What Is Kombucha?

For those who may be unfamiliar with Kombucha, it is currently a fast growing product in the UK and is known for its health benefits. The drink is a good alternative to your typical sugary beverage and can strengthen your immune system while supporting your gut health. This drink is ideal if you are wanting to have a healthier lifestyle and with all those benefits packed inside, your body will for sure be thanking you.

Pure Booch’s Kombucha

Pure Booch’s Kombucha consists of a blend of organic fairtrade teas and sugars that are then fermented to give a great taste. Their drink is filled with probiotics and antioxidants while being very low in sugar, yet this does not compromise the great flavours and sparkling kick. If this wasn’t a good enough reason to introduce Pure Booch into your life, then their Kombucha also has no artificial additives and is completely natural.

Their Kombucha also comes in a wide range of flavours such as grapefruit, cranberry, and ginger & lime which all just sound delicious! 

To conclude Pure Booch have achieved a great success and have set a very high standard for other brands that we are sure will drive the rest of the industry forward to be more responsible in every way they can.

Shop Pure Booch’s Kombucha here


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