Why Do We Give Presents On Special Occasions?


Gift-giving is an age-old tradition that transcends cultures, societies, and religions. From birthdays and anniversaries to weddings and festive holidays, exchanging presents is an integral part of our lives. But why do we give gifts on these special occasions? Let’s delve into the reasons and the underlying psychology behind this universal ritual.

1. Expression of Love and Affection

At the heart of gift-giving lies the fundamental human need to express love, care, and affection. When we give a gift, it’s often a manifestation of our feelings towards someone. It’s a tangible way of saying, “I care about you,” or “You mean a lot to me.” This sentiment is often more potent than mere words, as actions often speak louder.

2. Strengthening Bonds

Gifts are not just about the item or the monetary value; they are about building and cementing relationships. When someone takes the time to choose a thoughtful present, it signifies that they value the bond shared with the recipient. Whether it’s between friends, family, or romantic partners, the act of giving and receiving fosters a sense of closeness and mutual appreciation.

3. Cultural and Social Norms

Many societies have embedded the act of gift-giving into their social and cultural norms. For instance, it’s customary to bring a gift when visiting someone’s house in many cultures, as a token of appreciation for their hospitality. Similarly, occasions like birthdays, weddings, and religious ceremonies often come with an expectation of gift exchange, which has been passed down through generations.

4. Commemoration of Milestones

Gifts serve as markers for significant milestones in our lives. Graduating from school, getting a new job, or moving into a new home – these are all life-altering events that we choose to celebrate with presents. By giving a gift during these moments, we acknowledge the recipient’s achievements and share in their joy.

5. The Joy of Giving

Interestingly, while receiving gifts is pleasurable, numerous studies suggest that the act of giving can be even more satisfying. Psychologists often attribute this to the ‘helper’s high’ or the feeling of euphoria one gets after performing a kind deed. By giving someone a gift, we tap into this innate human desire to derive happiness from altruistic acts.

6. Personalised Gifts: Making Memories

In today’s world, the trend is moving towards personalised gifts. These items, tailored specifically to the recipient’s preferences, signify that the giver has put in effort and thought. It’s not just about buying something off the shelf, but about creating a unique and memorable experience for the loved one. Businesses, like Create Gift Love, exemplify this trend, offering a personal touch that makes the act of giving even more special.

7. Reciprocity

On a more practical note, the concept of reciprocity plays a role. When someone gives us a gift, we often feel an implicit social obligation to return the favour. This sense of indebtedness, rooted in human psychology, ensures a continuous cycle of gift-giving and receiving.


The act of giving gifts on special occasions is multi-faceted. From expressing emotions and strengthening relationships to adhering to cultural norms and enjoying the sheer joy of giving, the reasons are numerous and deeply embedded in our psyche. As we move forward, the trend of personalisation, as seen with businesses like Create Gift Love, suggests that we’re not just looking for material items but meaningful experiences. After all, a thoughtfully chosen gift can speak volumes, resonating with the heart and soul of the recipient.


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