Take Better Care Of Yourself This Winter With These Essential Steps 


The winter months can be hard on our mental and physical health. Shorter days, cold weather, and holiday stresses take a toll. But with some intentional self-care, you can thrive even in the coldest months. Here are essential tips to take better care of yourself this winter: 

Prioritise Sleep 

Adequate sleep is crucial, yet winter’s early sunsets and late sunrises can disrupt sleep cycles. Take steps to maintain healthy rest: 

  • Keep a consistent bedtime and wake time, even on weekends, to stay in rhythm. 
  • Make sure your bedroom is cool, dark, and quiet. Blackout curtains and a white noise machine can help. 
  • Avoid electronics and bright lights before bed, and limit caffeine after noon. 
  • Develop some relaxing bedtime rituals like reading, gentle yoga, or aromatherapy. 
  • Talk to your doctor if you have ongoing sleep issues that lifestyle tweaks don’t fix. You may benefit from cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia or sleep supplements. Don’t accept poor sleep as normal. 

Eat Nutrient-Rich Foods 

When it’s cold out, it’s easy to fill up on empty carbs and comfort foods. Fuel your body properly with these diet tips: 

  • Start your day with eggs, porridge, yoghurt, or whole-grain toast for lasting energy. 
  • Eat plenty of vitamin C foods like oranges, kiwis, Brussels sprouts, and bell peppers for immunity. 
  • Work in magnesium-rich foods like leafy greens, nuts, seeds, beans, fish, and avocados to keep your mood stable. 
  • Stay hydrated with herbal teas and water throughout the day. Dehydration can drag you down. 
  • Limit sugar, alcohol and refined carbs that lead to energy crashes. 

Address Issues That Are Bothering You 

It’s common for ongoing worries, stresses and “life admin” tasks to weigh on us more in winter, dragging down our mood. Be proactive: 

  • Make time for self-reflection to identify issues troubling you so you can take constructive steps. Journaling, meditation, and therapy can help with this. 
  • Have open conversations with family members or housemates about any tensions or frustrations brewing under the surface as everyone is cooped up inside. Speak kindly and aim for compromise. 
  • Don’t let bills, forms, appointments, or other life admin pile up. Keep your paperwork and responsibilities up to date so they don’t snowball out of control. 
  • If seasonal affective disorder or anxiety symptoms are severely impacting your functioning, speak to your doctor. You may benefit from medication or a referral to a mental health professional. 
  • Lean on your support system. Talk openly with close friends and family about the challenges you’re facing. Ask for help or company when you need it. 
  • If you’re worrying about your weight and you think medication might be an option for you, why not investigate it? There are a lot of diet pills and weight loss suppressants out there, so it’s important to find one that works. Orlistat is one of the most popular choices, and you might have some questions about the side effects of Orlistat. The Independent Pharmacy offers a detailed guide, and they can answer any questions you have.  

Taking constructive action to address issues weighing on you will lift your spirits this winter. 

Exercise Regularly 

It’s tempting to skimp on exercise as we hibernate indoors. But regular movement provides a mood and energy boost. 

  • Bundle up and go for walks, jogs, or bike rides even in cold weather. Outdoor winter sports like ice skating can be invigorating! 
  • Follow free home workout videos online if you don’t want to leave the house. No equipment is needed for many routines. 
  • Buy some basic exercise gear for home like resistance bands, a yoga mat, or light weights. Or join a gym nearby so the weather is no longer an obstacle. 
  • Challenge friends to virtual fitness competitions or group classes via apps. Social motivation helps. 
  • Stand and move throughout your day. Go for a quick walk around the house or office every hour. Take the stairs whenever possible. Set a step goal on your fitness tracker. 

Seek Out Sunlight 

Winter sunlight is limited, and that can impact your mood and energy levels. Try to get natural light: 

  • Sit near windows while working or eating meals. Pull back the drapes to let light in. 
  • Take brief outdoor breaks throughout your day to get fresh air and sun. 
  • Go for daily walks outdoors, even if it’s just for 20-30 minutes. Light exercise energises. 
  • Consider a sunlight therapy lamp if you consistently struggle with the winter blues. Use daily. 

Practice Self-Care Routines 

Don’t let your personal health and hygiene slide as the cold weather drags on. Dedicate time every day to self-care habits: 

  • Start and end each day with a simple skincare routine washing and moisturising your face. 
  • Take relaxing baths and use calming essential oils like lavender and eucalyptus. 
  • Treat yourself to luxuries like face masks, foot soaks or at-home spa moments. Or get professional massages and facials. 
  • Keep up with regular healthcare appointments, medications, and recommended wellness screenings. Don’t neglect your health. 
  • Maintain a tidy living environment so you feel relaxed and at peace at home. 
  • Allot time for enjoyable hobbies, socialising, and relaxation. Fun and connection revitalise you. 

Prioritising your well-being will give you the resilience to handle winter’s challenges and emerge renewed when spring arrives. With rest, healthy habits, and self-care, you can take good care of yourself this season. 


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