Taking time out: ways to gain some distance


Taking a break from stressful everyday life is important for your well-being. We not only provide you with good reasons for taking short breaks in your everyday life but also concrete examples. One example is to try betlabel casino with the author himself.

Take a short break and recover from your everyday life. There are many good and important reasons to take a break: Be it your own health, finding yourself, or simply wanting to get away from the stresses of everyday life. These can be short but regular breaks or a longer break.

These are the most common reasons for taking a break from everyday life:

  • To strengthen your health: Do you often feel overwhelmed and are constantly ill? Then it’s time for a change. A break can help you to find the right work-life balance again.
  • Search for your own self: You develop and change from time to time. This can be particularly noticeable after separations, relocations, or a new job, for example. It is important that you keep rediscovering yourself and keep your own needs in mind. Taking time out can help you do this. Some people take a sabbatical and travel to discover new aspects of themselves.
  • Recharge your batteries: If you feel like you can’t escape the hamster wheel of everyday life, it’s worth taking some time out to relax. This may allow you to leave the stress behind and take on new challenges more calmly.
  • Realize your dreams: Some life goals are only set for retirement, such as traveling the world, training in a new field, or volunteering. But you only live once. Take some time out and make plans for the here and now.


Short breaks in everyday life make you feel better. According to a study by the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, regular breaks in everyday life help you to work more effectively and live a more stress-free life. They have a positive effect on your mood. We present the three most important tips for taking breaks in everyday life:

Take short breaks at work: Techniker Krankenkasse recommends taking a short break for five minutes every hour. This not only helps you to work more effectively but also combats fatigue. Relaxation exercises, yoga, meditation, short walks, or brief conversations with colleagues are all good options for this short break.

Occasional midday nap: Some people also find a short midday nap helpful. However, this should not be taken daily, but only occasionally, and, if possible, should not last much longer than twenty minutes. According to the German Medical Journal, this reduces the risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke.

Schedule me-time: Outside of work, you should schedule enough time for yourself to pursue your hobbies and passions. This could be a jogging session. Maybe you like to paint or spend an evening in the bathtub.

It is important that you plan these times consciously. Turn off your cell phone during these little time-outs so that you are not available to anyone and can concentrate fully on yourself.


Monasteries are synonymous with peace and seclusion and you could take some time out here. Taking a longer break can be a great opportunity to travel, find yourself or get involved in voluntary work. The possibilities are numerous. We present the three most popular forms:

  • Voluntary service: It can be very rewarding and fulfilling to take time out in the form of voluntary service. For example, you can get involved in ecological work for the environment. Not only will you be doing something good for nature and other people, but you will also get to know yourself from a completely different perspective.
  • According to a study by the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, personal development and professional orientation are the most important goals from the perspective of volunteers and organizations.
  • Sabbatical: If you would like to take a sabbatical as a career break, you share this dream with half of all employees in Germany, according to a study by the Social Science Research Center in Berlin and the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung. A sabbatical usually lasts between three and twelve months.
  • It is financially secured by the employer, but can usually only be taken by civil servants or public sector employees. You are completely free to organize this form of sabbatical: you can use it for further training, travel or to care for relatives, for example.
  • Time out in a monastery: A stay in a monastery is a spiritual form of time out. This is particularly suitable for finding yourself and the meaning of your life.

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